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Intergenerational Dialogue Series – ‘Voices of Peace’

‘Voices of Peace’ on the 6th April 2021 at 4:00pm on Zoom

This is the third dialogue planned for this series is an online discussion with author and activist Sarah Kabir. Sarah will give insights from her book “Voices of Peace”. The format of the event is set to be a book reading followed by a question-and-answer session. Voices of Peace (herein referred to as VOP), is an anthology of stories from a sample of twenty combatants from both sides of the conflict. The book published in 2018 contains narratives that highlight the experience and struggles of combatants during and after the war. Sarah’s work of recording narratives with the view of preserving the multifaceted history of the state emulates the principles of memorialisation. Further, the
socio-political context of the state provides a backdrop in which revisiting the human aspect of ethnic and civil conflict is pertinent if not imperative. The growing tension between communities as well as the developments vis-a-vis international response to human rights in Sri Lanka revitalises the importance of familiarising with the human cost of conflict in order to move towards a more cohesive society.

Intergenerational Dialogue Series-ConceptNote-Voices of Peace

