Hidden in Plain Sight: Caste in Sri Lankan politics and society
04 Jul 2016 by Centre for Poverty Analysis (CEPA)
Caste politics continue to dominate many aspects of Sri Lankan society. From accessing basic services, vote banks, political patronage to marriage, caste plays a determining role.
Policy reforms such as universal suffrage, free education and healthcare, and prohibition of caste based discrimination, along with liberalisation and globalisation have to a certain degree, diluted the once stringent caste hierarchies. These shifts have not, as popularly believed, eliminated caste based discrimination that continues to affect oppressed caste groups.
There is no doubt that caste is an issue that needs to be discussed and debated upon, especially in the current post war context where caste continues to bear upon the rehabilitation and recovery of oppressed caste communities affected by the war.
Aftab Lall* will present his preliminary findings from Jaffna and Mullaitivu on issues faced by low caste groups when accessing services. This will be followed by a talk by Dr. Pradeep Peiris* on how caste cleavages affect the Southern politics and policy making, especially in relation to electoral policies and politics. Prof. Kalinga Tudor Silva will facilitate the discussion.
* Aftab Lall is a Research Associate at the Centre for Poverty Analysis (CEPA)
* Dr. Pradeep Peiris is the Director of the Social Scientists’ Association (SSA)
July 8th at 4:30 pm
at the Centre for Poverty Analysis
29, R.G. Senanayake Mawatha, Colombo 07
RSVP – Chaturanga via chaturanga@cepa.lk or 011 4690 203
The CEPA Café hosts events in an informal setting, where people are free to exchange and expound their views on themes related to poverty, development, and change.
Image courtesy – http://modifail.com/fail/dalit-adivasi/