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12th CEPA Symposium – Making Sustainability the Next Metric (2013)

The Centre for Poverty Analysis, in collaboration with the Centre for Policy Dialogue (Bangladesh), Sustainable Development Policy Institute (Pakistan) and Practical Action (Sri Lanka), held its 12th Annual Poverty Symposium on the 6th and 7th of November 2013. The Symposium aimed to advance and compliment the Southern Voice Initiative (Centre for Policy Dialogue) that has spearheaded the effort to increase southern think tank perspectives and ideas with a strong potential to influence the high-level discussions on the post-2015 development framework.

The background note and the list of papers presented can be viewed here.12th Annual Symposium 2013-Concept note and agenda

All the sessions from the symposium can be viewed:

The Outcome Document of the South Asian Consultation on the Post-2015 Development Agenda can be found here. For photographs of the event, click here.